Scent Work
If you have a dog that loves to sniff (and what dog doesn’t) or needs a job to do, then Scent Work could be just the activity for you and your dog. All breeds of dog excel in scent work as they love to use their nose; in Scent Work, dogs are taught to search for particular odours (essential oils - birch, anise, clove and cypress) which they have been trained to find, and to indicate to their handler where it is located.
Training scent work is a great way for you to enter your dog’s amazing world of scent. Dogs have different searching styles and handlers need to observe their dogs carefully as they tell them the story of finding the odour plume, following its trail back to the source of the odour and indicating in their own unique way that they have found it!
One of the many benefits of scent work is that dogs of any breed, age, or training level can learn and enjoy this activity, and the problem-solving opportunities that it offers keeps them mentally and physically stimulated.
In competition, there are different Elements or settings in which a dog is required to search: Containers, Interiors, Exteriors, and Vehicles.
The dog and handler work as a team through the various levels of competition and can achieve titles for their achievements. There are class category titles (Scent Work Novice, Advanced, Excellent and Master) and Element titles (Scent Work Container, Interior, Exterior and Vehicle). The rules can be found at
Start line
Indication on pipe
Container search
Excellent Container Search
Vehicle searches – low for big dogs, high for small dogs, a neck stretch into the wheel well – no problem at all!
Contact Details
Rockhampton Dog Obedience ClubRockhampton, QLD, Australia
Email : [email protected]